
Magnet ProLock 3D Model

Magnet ProLock

The most powerful magnetic sediment filter in the market
100% removal of calcareous deposits from water consumption
Complete conversion of calcium and magnesium ions into aragonite powder in two steps
Increasing the lifespan of the internal parts of the package and water heater
Increasing the efficiency of the package
Reducing periodic service costs
Unique design to create the shortest distance between magnets for maximum effect and no pressure drop
Creating the strongest magnetic arc by using wavy magnets

Main Features

magnet prolock sketch

Usage: water entering the package, water heater, washing machine, dish washer, ground package, small engine houses, etc.
It has 4 wavy neodymium magnets
Neodymium magnet type with ND45 grade
23000 gauss magnetic field
Inlet and outlet ½, ¾ and 1 inch
Four-sided design of magnets placement in the magnet housing
Extrusion brass body material with chrome plating
No pressure drop and reduction of water output despite the unique sinusoidal housing design
Injected surface protection coating to concentrate the magnetic arc inside the housing
10 years warranty

Product Description

Due to its special design and the very high strength of the internal magnets, the Prolock magnet filter has become the strongest magnetic filter in the market.

The first feature of this filter is the internal design of the housing of this magnet in such a way that four magnets are arranged in pairs inside the housing so that a pair of wavy magnets with non-identical poles are facing each other and the water enters the stage after passing through these two magnets. Next, it includes another pair of wavy magnets (as before) with the difference that the direction of the magnets inside the housing is rotated 90 degrees. This arrangement causes the maximum flow of water to pass through the magnetic field inside the filter and results in maximum sediment removal.



The second feature of the Prolock magnet hardening filter is the use of sinusoidal magnets in the inner housing, which increases the absorption level of non-synonymous magnets and significantly increases the magnetic arc in the filter, which is the highest compared to all magnets of its level. And it has the strongest magnetic arc.



The third important feature of this injection protective filter is the outer surface of the housing. The presence of this protector prevents the magnetic arc from exiting the housing and concentrates the magnetic arc force inside.



The presence of these three important features has led to the production of the most efficient and strongest magnetic filter in the market, which has the highest conversion rate of calcium and magnesium ions into aragonite powder and prevents the formation of lime in the internal parts of hot water generators such as wall heating packages, water heaters , washing machine and… prevent.

This filter is produced and supplied in three sizes: 1.2, 3.4 and 1 inch.